There are many people who like to put a label on their relationship. In this article we will discuss some different type of relationships and why people are interested in pursuing these type of relationships.
An activity partner
People who live an active lifestyle will often seek an activity partner. Many active people will seek activity partners to motivate them to be the best they can be at what they are doing. Whether they enjoy running, weight lifting, playing soccer or any other type of athletic activity. Most people seek activity partners for moral support and encouragement.
A friend
People who are lonely will often seek friends. If a person is in an unhappy relationship sometimes they may need someone to talk to when they are feeling lonely.
If someone recently ended a long term relationship and they are feeling depressed they may need a friend to talk to.
If a person has recently lost their wife / husband after being married for years they will need a friend to talk to.
A friend with benefits
There are many people who enjoy the pleasure of having sex without being in a committed relationship. A person who has recently ended a marriage or a long term relationship may not be interested in starting another serious relationship at the moment, so they may be interested in having a friend with benefits.
Some people do not like the idea of being in a committed relationship, they enjoy having their freedom so they will seek a friend with benefits.
A short term relationship
Sometimes when a person is living in a certain city or town for a short period of time they may be interested in starting a relationship with someone, even though they know they will be moving away within a few months / years. This is a person who enjoys being in a committed relationship and they will not settle for anything less.
A serious long term relationship
People of various ages may seek a serious long term relationship because they enjoy the sensation of being in love. They enjoy being in a committed relationship which may possibly lead to marriage.
A wife / husband
When a person feels as though they have met their soul mate and they would like to spend the rest of their life with them, they will get married.
Whether you are lonely or you need motivational support there is a particular type of relationship that will cater to your needs. What type of relationship are you looking for?
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