Most online dating sites have more female than male members. Thus making it more difficult for men to meet women. The majority of the men who have had success at online dating have one thing in common. They were able to minimize the amount of mistakes they make. Online dating mistakes are extremely common, we have all probably made mistakes at some point.
Let's think about it rationally, we have all sent lots of emails to attractive women, yet we received little or no responses. This is an indicator that we went wrong somewhere along the way. In this article you will learn some of the main reasons why women do not reply to emails.
Sending a rude or sexually explicit email.
Sending a rude or sexually explicit email to a woman you do not know is an extremely bad idea. A few women may find a sexually explicit email amusing and they may reply. However, the majority of women will immediately delete your email upon reading it.
You do not have an attractive photo in your profile.
To many of us fail to realize the importance of having a nice photo in our profile. If you have a terrible picture in your profile, a picture you are not proud of. You may not get any responses to your emails, regardless of how will written your emails may be. A bad picture can make an attractive man look ugly, while a good picture can make him look great. Having a good picture in your dating profile is the foundation for success in online dating.
You did not get her attention.
Because of the ratio of women to men in online dating, on popular dating sites attractive women receive lots of emails on a daily basis. In many cases they do not have the time to read all the emails they receive, they will usually read a selected few. To increase the chances of your email being read you have to be unique, you have to make yourself stand out, and you have to grasp her attention. The title of your email should be a well thought out process, because the title of your email plays a significant role in getting your email read.
You are not her type.
Some women have a criteria they use when looking for a compatible partner. If you do not measure up to their expectations they may not be interested in you regardless of how great your personal profile may be, and regardless of how attractive you may be. The most attractive men have been rejected by a woman at some point in their life.
If you have a great profile and you have presented yourself in a decent manner in your email and you do not get a reply from someone you were hoping to get a reply from. There's nothing you can do, you are simply not her type.