Relationships are complex and getting involved with the wrong person can lead to heartache. In this article we will discuss how you can determine whether or not a person is right for you.
Do not choose someone just because you are physically attracted to them. Physical appearance will fade with age, after the physical appearance has faded away the only thing that will be left is the personality. Research has proven that most people who get married based on looks are unable to maintain a happy long-term relationship.
Do not marry someone because they are wealthy. These marriages do not withstand the test of longevity as they usually end in divorce. Money cannot buy happiness, if you have millions of dollars at your disposal but you do not love your wife / husband you will not be happy.
Do not marry someone who does not clean up after them self. If you are a neat person who enjoys living in a clean environment this can be a problem because you will have to constantly clean up after your partner. Bad habits such as this will not change after you get married, sometimes they get worse.
Do not get married just because you are both ready for a lifetime commitment. There are many people who rush into marriage without taking the time to get to know each other. If you have dated someone for a few months that does not mean that you know them. You cannot say that you really know someone unless you have seen them when they are depressed, or when things are not going their way. You cannot truly say you know your partner until you understand the way they deal with adversity.
Do not get married to someone who has different religious beliefs from you. If you are a devoted Christian who tries to live your life withing the rules of Christianity it would be a bad idea to get married to an atheist. You do not have to be the same religion but you should have similar religious beliefs.
Do not get married to someone who has different lifestyle habits. If you are a fit person who takes pride in your physical appearance and you enjoy working out and eating healthy. It would be a bad idea to get married to a couch potato who has little or no pride in the way they look. These things are like oil and water they will never mix.
You should really get to know someone before you agree to marry them. Nothing should be overlooked no matter how small. You should know about their good and bad habits. If they are not willing to change their bad habits you have to decide whether or not you are willing to accept them the way they are, or whether you are going to move on.