Monday, April 7, 2008

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Online Dating

We have all heard about online dating web sites, if you have never joined a dating website the chances are you probably know someone who has. In this article you will learn about some of the most common mistakes people make with online dating.

Do not be dishonest

Many people are dishonest, people will often lie about certain things in their profile or while they are chatting with someone online. People will lie about their height/weight, occupation, marital status, the list goes on and on. This is a major pitfall that you should try to avoid, honesty is very important.

Imagine finding someone who you are interested in pursuing a relationship with on a dating website. You have spent weeks online chatting with this person and you have lied to them about something. If the relationship gets serious the lie you told will probably catch up with you at some point. When this person finds out the truth they will probably lose quite a bit of respect for you, lying can ruin a potentially good relationship.

Do not chat with a large amount of members

This is the downside of creating a great personal ad. If you have created a great personal ad you may receive many emails from other members who are interested in you. However, you should try to avoid interacting with too many people at the same time.

If you have received a large amount emails it would be in your best interest to weed out a few people you think may be a good match for you and correspond with them. If you respond to everyone who sent you an email you will eventually start to forget what you have said and to whom.

Do not appear too anxious to go on a date

People may think that you are desperate if you have just met someone and you proceed to ask them out on a date. If you have just met someone online and they asked you out and you are comfortable with it, you should go on a date. But if you have just met someone online who you are interested in, and you would like to go on a date with them. It is best to wait at least one week before asking the person out.

Asking someone out too soon can have a negative effect sometimes this can push the person away from you. Waiting one week before asking the person out will give you some time to get to know the person better before going on a date.

When you become a member of an online dating website it's a good practice to take your time. If you are going to initiate contact with another member, make sure you are really interested in the person before doing so. The same concept applies when you are responding to emails you have received from other members. You should try to keep the amount of members you contact to a minimal.


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